Content Management Application: One of our team in working on CMS system for enterprise and video searching, viewing and channel creation, privileged access creation, uploading audio/video contents. The system also has transcoder which converts video for various device/browser specific use. From the system users are provided with preferences and suggestion for related videos.
Media Consumption: Our team is also working on web-based audio video calling using WebRTC. Integrating or collaborating with video conferencing hardware and software. This conferencing bridging application helps in hosting webcasting meeting with various capability profiles. The profiles are mainly option of SIP capability information exchanges.
Client application/app development: We have developed player based application on mobile or web application. Android/IOS based content view/content management/aggregation app. EMS development: Web based Element Management System, which implements FCAP (fault, configuration, accounting, management) using SNMP protocol. It has various reporting, dynamically updated dashboard based on analytics. Elements are auto discovered and/or get associated/registered. Privileged users with their specific roles get notification. High availability, load balancing of management/stats data on element/network. Security is the other qualities which is also taken care along with fancy web UI, graphs, charts, easiness to use.